Thursday, April 7, 2011

Look Who's Getting Big...

Not Claire, that's for sure! We just had her 1 year check-up and we have such a little peanut here. She's gonna be small for probably the rest of her life - just like her parents. Here are her growing stats:

Weight: 17.6 lbs. .... 4%
Height: 27.4 in. ..... 8%
Head: 38%

Claire has maintained her little "spot" on the growth charts and is always within the same 3 numbers. This means that we won't be switching to a new car seat anytime and that she gets to pack in the calories and fat. Though I'm not sure what good that will do her - even when I was expecting her I had a hard time gaining weight. Must run in the family.

She did so good considering how long everything took and how many times they had to poke her! Seriously, I think that all the waiting at the doctor's office is completely pointless. Kelland has a friend in Med School and when he "Job Shadowed" a family practice the staff spent 5 minutes with each family and then 15 minutes checking email and facebook in between. Tacky! I don't mind waiting in the foyer. Of course, I do make an appointment to get in at a certain time, but it is what it is. And I don't mind waiting for the actual doctor - I'm sure they're fairly busy. But I HATE waiting for the nurse after the doctor leaves to give my child a shot. Seriously, we waited for 25 minutes for her to do a proceedure that took 2.

We were at the doctors for 2 hours and we were the second appointment of the day. Way too long for a child who is healthy!

As a side note, today the kids in the musical sang to Claire for her birthday. She hasn't been to rehearsal for the last couple of days, so they had to delay her "party". They sang, had cookies, and even had a gift for her to open. We are the luckiest family ever and our little one is so

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