Sunday, March 20, 2011

It's Tongue Time!

Over the last 2 months Claire has become obsessed with her tongue! Everyone keeps telling me that it's just a stage and that she has "discovered" her tongue, but I don't think so. I think that my daughter will perpetually and unconsciously stick out her tongue for the rest of her life. You've seen those romantic comedies where the girls sticks out her tongue in thought and the male lead finds it really attractive? That's going to be my daughter. Attractive to all men ;)

She sticks it out mainly when she is in deep concentration, in a playful mood, and even when she smiles. And only on the left side. That's my little girl - growing up and developing her own little quirks.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

False Alarm

No teeth here yet. Me and dad must have been crazy! Either it disappeared, went into hiding, or it was never there to begin with. Don't worry Claire, you'll have teeth soon enough and then you'll be able to eat all the yummy things Dad and I eat.

Like Mother, Like Daugther!

I secretly LOVE to sew! I like 'finishing' a project and having something to show for it. Now, don't misunderstand me. I like to sew, but that doesn't mean that I'm great at it. Don't look too close:) And now that I have a daughter who doesn't speak yet to voice her own opinion, I can make her anything that I want! I have to monopolize on this time before she starts thinking I'm uncool and refuses to wear anything homemade.

I bought fabric to make pillows to match my living room, only to come home and wonder what I was thinking. You'll know why when you see the fabric. Don't judge. Great for a spring dress, but not for a subtle living room. With all of this left-over fabric I decided to make matching dresses for me and Claire to wear. That's right, I'm one of those kinds of moms. It was quite an undertaking, having to start my dress over 3 times. I should be much better at reading patterns from now on. And I made Claire's dress without a pattern - which I think turned out rather well!

Next on the menu is making a birthday dress for Claire and Easter outfits for the whole family. We'll see if I can get Kelland to wear a tie that matches us :)

Can you tell that it's just about bedtime?

Also - notice how good our dog is with Claire

Also - here's view of some of our St. Patrick's Day decoration. I seem to fit the same theme...


Guess who is finally starting to understand how awesome and entertaining books are? That's right, my daughter. When she was younger, sure she would sit still and look at the pictures but she wouldn't last very long. Now, when we pull out books she starts giggling and settles down to listen. Her favorite books are the ones where she gets to interact with the pictures. Lifting the flap to show a hidden animal or pull out a pop-up page. I used to get so nervous that she would ruin all of our interactive books before she could even talk, but she is so gentle with them! She treats them like they are made of gold. And to her, they might as well be :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

First Tooth

Wow - my little angel girl has completely disappeared for the last two days and has been replaced by a fussy, runny-nosed child that I'm sure can't be mine ;) Last night was a VERY long one for our family. Me and dad took turns trying to rock you and console you, ourselves exhausted! But this morning it all paid off. We spotted a tiny white bump on the top of your mouth in the very middle. Normally the bottom teeth come first, and that's what we were keeping our eye on. Snuck right up on us. Hopefully we can knock out the rest of these teeth soon so that I can have my happy child back for good :)

Spring Fever!

I am so ready for the snow to leave for good and to bring back out my flip flops and sunscreen. I miss being warm all the time and not having to constantly wear a coat! Today the weather hinted at spring and our little family couldn't help but walk to the park to swing and play on the toys - even bringing our dog to make the celebration official :)