Monday, January 17, 2011

Splish Splash...

Claire, today is Martin Luther King day or Civil Rights day, which means that we had no school and no obligations today. We played and relaxed all day together! We also took you swimming - and for the first time, you actually enjoyed it! We spent 45 minutes playing and splashing as a little family. Today, you also had your very first french fry, which turned into several -I hope you enjoyed it, because it won't happen very often. Me and Dad are not fans of fast food.

Sleeping Beauty

Ah- Claire, you have entered a new phase in napping and nighttime that I have thoroughly come to enjoy and appreciate. You know longer want to be rocked to sleep for naps. I used to wrap you all tight like a burrito and rock or bounce you until you fell asleep, then transfer you to your crib. You have now decided that you don't want to be rocked or wrapped up like my little baby anymore. You simply want to lay down in your bed, be covered up with blankets, receive a loving stoke on your forehead, the door closed and you drift off to sleep without uttering a peep! I can't believe it! You are growing up and becoming independent!

The only down side to your new sleep habits at church - church is hard for kids no matter what age they are I've decided, but even harder now that you won't nap at church. You don't want me to rock you, and there's no crib to lay you down in....pretty hard sacrament meetings. However, Danielle Johnson(a neighbor and friends) loves watching you during relief society and Sunday school, (she keeps asking to do so even though it's not necessary) which means that I'm all fresh and patient to deal with sleepy and fussy Claire during Sacrament meeting.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tricking the tricker...

Claire - you did the cutest thing yesterday during lunch. I was trying to feed you homemade bananas and carrots to go with your rice. You're not a huge fan of certain vegetables. Lately, you only seem to like peas and mashed potatoes. I would alternate giving you bites with banana and bites with the carrots in hopes to trick you into eating more of your vegetables. Instead, you learned how to trick me back. With every spoonful - you would pin your lips closed. I would prod the spoon at your lips making happy sounds, which would leave a little taste of the food on the spoon. You would slip your little tongue out from your lips, taste the food, and if it was banana you would open your mouth and let me enter. If you tasted carrots you would keep your lips closed with a firm determination on your face to not let them in your mouth. You're getting smart and tricky my little girl!