Sunday, August 29, 2010

College- Bound!

We have had the most interesting week! Claire, we all started school on Monday and we survived our first week of school. Mom and Dad got money to finish our college degrees and we assumed that now is the best time for us to finish this goal of ours. Dad is majoring in Math Education and I'm majoring in Early Childhood with a Minor in Nutrition Education. What that means for you is that you get to tag along. You come to campus with us everyday and get switched back and forth between the two of us. When Dad's in class you get to hang out with Mom, and when mom goes to class Dad takes good care of you. It's been a fun juggling act, and you have been handling it so well! So many people on campus stop to look at you and see how cute you are! We play all day long and go on lots of walks and you end up taking naps everywhere! Dad even takes you to an institute class - check out all the unique opportunities that you get to have!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Round Tones, Round Tones...

You have the cutest cry ever! When you get really upset because I missed a cue that you sent or wasn't able to fulfill said cue because of our location or timing, you get really upset and your cry turns into a French wail! You can already roll the back of your tongue and make a sound like a French speaker. "I mean business!" is what I hear when your cry changes. When you get old enough I'll have to show you the Saved By the Bell episode with the baby that Zack sneaks into French class- you totally sound just like that! :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Claire! You learned how to roll over today! I couldn't believe it! We were having our floor time and tummy time when you flipped over. I turned you back onto your tummy and you flipped right over again. I knew that dad wouldn't believe me unless I got it on video. I ran for camera and when I came back you did it three more times in a row to show him your new skill! We went to the Hill Air Force Base Museum with Grandma and Grandpa Schmidt and Andrea and you rolled over for them too on cue. I can't believe how fast you're growing up!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Precious Moments

Claire, last night we had such a precious moment together. You hadn't felt good all day, and you've been congested with a little cold. I had a performance tonight for "They're Playing our Song," so Dad took care of you - which he does so well. He loves this Daddy-daughter time with you and wouldn't have it any other way. He held you and rocked you while you screamed because you were tired and you didn't feel good. When I got home you were out cold, and we thought that you were down for the night. About 20 minutes later, you woke up and started crying again. I held you and cuddled and sang you some Broadway show tunes. When I started singing, you calmed down and smiled and stared at my face. I can still picture your little grin at me as I sat in the rocking chair singing to you. You didn't seem to be tired at all, just content to listen to me sing to you. I sang, "Some things are Meant to Be", "If Only", "Part of your World", and you didn't cry once. After 5 minutes of cuddling and singing I swaddled you in a comfy blanket and laid you back in your crib. No more than 30 seconds later you were out cold without any crying and slept through the rest of the night. It was so special to me that I was able to comfort you and help you fall back asleep when you didn't feel good.
It's hard for me to do shows. I love performing, but I miss you terribly. I have lots of mommy guilt and feel like I'm doing a poor job whenever I have to leave, even though Daddy is excited to take over and spend time with you. Tonight was probably the first night where I felt like a great mom. You needed me and I was able to help you and be there for you. I love you so much Claire! You and Dad are the best things in my life!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Park Day!

Claire, mom and Dad has a blast taking you to the park for the first time and letting you ride on the swings!

You loved it!
This one is probably my favorite:

4 Months Old!

I can't believe how big you are getting and how fast the time is passing! Where has the time gone? Here's where you stand on your stats:
Length...................60.7 inches.........30%tile
Weight...................11 lb. 14.5 oz. ....12%tile
Head.......................39.6 cm...............11%tile

Looking good little one! You're kinda little for your age, but we assume that you always will be!

Kisses from daddy!

Claire - you are growing up so fast! I just want you to stay little forever!

Family Home Evening

When we first got married and even after we had you, Claire, our family home evenings were pretty lame. It's hard to do it with just two of us, and you doesn't appreciate the lessons yet :)
One thing that we have started doing and loved is having other couples or families over to our house for FHE. It has turned into such a social occasion every week! There's always treats, a legitimate lesson with opening song and prayer, and lots of fun games. It has transformed how we see our family nights and has earned us some awesome friends! Last week we had 9 people in our little living room!
You are so loved at these little parties! Everyone loves to hold you and you do great playing on the floor with toys!
These are some of our good friends Darrin and Wendi Johnson - Wendi adores you!

Block Party

Our neighborhood totally had a block party over the 24th of July holiday weekend. I remember going to these as a kid, but it's a total different experience being an "adult".
We had a BBQ, played twister, jenga, ninja explosion and ended with fireworks!

Claire was passed around and loved by all of our neighbors!

Dinosaur Park!

When Aunt Andrea comes to visit from out of town we do lots of fun activities that you are still too little to understand or appreciate but that you seem to enjoy. We took you to the dinosaur park and you were very well behaved :)
I ended up feeding you in the car on the way home while Aunt Andrea drove safely - you were starving and couldn't wait to eat!

Ogden River Parkway

Dad has introduced us to this lovely shaded walk path in Ogden that has become one of our new favorite things to do as a family.

She Loves Me!

Claire, Dad and I just finished up being in "She Loves Me" for Clearfield City. This is the same venue and time slot where we met doing "Footloose" three years ago. The movie "You've Got Mail" is based on this show- and it turned out really cute!
This is you playing with Daddy's cigar that he used in the detective scene:
You look like a natural huh? This better not be a foreshadow of things to come!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Run Freedom Run

Claire - you and I have started going running together! Yes, it's actually you laying in your hot pink jogging stroller while I push you around, but it's a fun activity that we do together! You love bouncing around and looking at the sky or trees, and you and will occasionally fall asleep just as I am finishing up. You haven't been grumpy even once when I have taken you out running - which tells me that you really love my walk/run around the block.

Church yesterday turned out quite interesting. I'm the primary pianist and dad is the Elder's Quorum President. Dad had to teach, so you came with me to primary. You did great for 20 minutes and then insisted on being held. The other members of the presidency were all busy so I ended up holding you in one hand and playing the piano with the other one. I know I should drop you off to the Relief Society and someone else take over, but I'm super protective of you! How am I ever gonna let you grow up?