Wednesday, June 23, 2010

People Lover!

Claire, you are gonna be such a people person when you get older. Since you came along, your dad and I have tried to keep up our normal hobbies that we really enjoy doing.... which means that you get tagged along for the ride! You were at Seussical rehearsals at the junior high when you were just 2 weeks old. Grandma Schmidt was so great to watch you and show you love in the back of the auditorium while your dad and I taught the kids. While I finished working, you were passed between different people, all of which had so much fun looking after you! Now, your father and I doing a summer show, "She Loves Me." Instead of leaving you with a babysitter, we just take you with us, and you do so good! You are happy and you smile at people until you get hungry or need a diaper change. Sometimes though, neither one of us can hold you, and you get passed to a cast member- And none of them seem to mind. They love looking after you, and you smile and make cute sounds for them. I just want you to know Claire that you are so loved! Not just by me and dad, but by everyone around you. You are contagious :)

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